Sea Bluff Bucks are now available! $100, $200 and $500 denominations. Purchase Sea Bluff Buck at the farmstand on Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9am till noon. Payment by cash, debit or etransfer only. No credit cards. Redeeming these begin in July 2023. There have been many of you who have asked, "How can we help?" "What do you need?" "How can we do more?" We are already so grateful for your support, but since you asked...we'd love you to buy Sea Bluff Bucks. 

Sea Bluff Farm doesn't need charity, but we do have a problem with cash flow.  We end up borrowing money in June, and then can't pay it back until August or September. Our dream is to have the funds we need to do all the repairs in the slow time, to order all our seeds at once, and to spend time developing systems that will help prevent us from getting overwhelmed in high season. You can help by buying Sea Bluff Bucks.  Buy them now, and spend them just like cash at the farm stand after July.  



We want to give back to our community and our planet. when purchasing your Sea Bluff Bucks or gift card why not share an amount forward to:

1- Mustard Seed Food Bank where Sea Bluff Farm donates almost 10,000 pounds of produce annually! Every week we donate our seconds produce to the Mustard Seed via Life Cycles volunteers that come to the farm and package up our produce.

2- Habitat Restoration at the Farm- help us increase our native pollinator habitat by supporting our native pollinator hedge row project along the south boundary of the farm!